Tea Tree Gully Athletics Centre Bulkana Oval, Spring Crescent, Banksia Park, S.A. 5091 Little Athletics | Seniors
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Tea Tree Gully Athletics Centre

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The Tea Tree Gully Athletics Centre (TTGAC) is an association established to:

  • Promote athletics in all its branches by establishing and maintaining facilities and services for the practice and competition of athletics.
  • Promote and provide facilities for athletic training and competition for persons of all ages and for that purpose to register persons participating in athletics with the South Australian Little Athletics Association and Athletics South Australia.

The TTGAC is recognised by the South Australian Government Department of Recreation and Sport as a STARCLUB.

Centre Structure

The TTG Athletics Centre adopts a 'One Club' model. It is run by a Centre Management Committee with two sub-committees that manage the:

  • Tea Tree Gully Little Athletics Centre (TTGLAC)
  • Tea Tree Gully Senior Athletics (TTG Seniors)

Under the One Club model athletes may seamlessly transition from Little Athletics (3-12 years old) to Junior Athletics (13-20 y.o.) to Open (20-35 y.o.) to Masters (35+ y.o.).

Our web-site reflects this structure.


Our Centres are affiliated with the respective state associations Athletics South Australia (Athletics SA) and the South Australian Little Athletics Asociation (SALAA).

SALAA Metropolitan Centre of the year
Updated: 13 Aug 2022
Well Done !! TTG Won the The SALAA Metropolitan Centre of the year

Senior Athletes at the Ekiden Relay 2019