
The TTG Senior Athletics is managed by a sub-committee of the TTGAC Centre Management Committee. The TTG Seniors Athletics Committee for the current Season is:

Position Name
President Pat Todd
Secretary Onesimus Hewett
Team Manager Melissa Hewett
Chief Recorder Pat Todd
Registrar Melissa Hewett
Fundraising Peter Bravey
Coach's Officer Scott Hewett
Official's Officer Ian Todd
General Committee Kristie Greenham

Past Presidents

The past presidents of the Senior Athletics sub-committee are:

Honour Roll

Season President
2022/2023 Pat Todd
2021/2022 Pat Todd
2020/2021 Pat Todd
2019/2020 Pat Todd
2018/2019 Pat Todd
2017/2018 Stephen Butler
2016/2017 Stephen Butler
2015/2016 Stephen Butler
2014/2015 Stephen Butler
2013/2014 Stephen Butler
2012/2013 Stephen Butler
2011/2012 ...
2010/2011 Erin Johnson
2009/2010 Barb Borham
2008/2009 David Jelfs
2007/2008 David Jelfs
2006/2007 David Jelfs
2005/2006 David Jelfs
2004/2005 David Jelfs
2003/2004 David Jelfs
2002/2003 Wayne Greenham
2001/2002 Tim Johnson
2000/2001 Vacant
1999/2000 Noel Bray
1998/1999 Noel Bray
1997/1998 Noel Bray
1996/1997 Noel Bray
1995/1996 Noel Bray
1994/1995 Wayne Greenham
1993/1994 Wayne Greenham
1992/1993 Treana Cossey
1991/1992 Eric Matthews
1990/1991 ...
1988/1989 Eric Matthews
1987/1988 Janet Moyes
1986/1987 Janet Moyes
1985/1986 Roy Barber
1984/1985 Eric Matthews
1983/1984 Eric Matthews
1982/1983 Roy Barber
1981/1982 Roy Barber
1980/1981 ...
1979/1980 ...
1978/1979 Peter Hughes
1977/1978 Peter Hughes
1976/1977 Peter Hughes
1975/1976 Peter Hughes

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Committee Meeting

Volunteers are sought to assist in the management of the Seniors. Please Contact Us if you can assist.

Season 2018-2019